Friday, December 3, 2010

Sermon Diagnostic

1) 23 mentions of Christ.

2) Some of the verbs: slain, died, rose, makes holy, took sin, is lamb, makes pure, slows, makes blessings, rose.

3) In Edward's sermon, the main topic is about eternal judgment and the wraths of hell.  He describes hell as a burning furnace to scare many of the believers to stay in the faith.  His sermon barely mentions Christ.  Yet Borghardt's sermon is the total opposite from Edward’s.  Borghardt uses Christ very much and when he uses Christ, he uses him as the subject of all the verbs.  His sermon tells us about God’s grace and how great he truly is.  This allows people to see God’s mercy and choose to come to the faith, instead of scaring them into it.


  1. Jenna, this is a very beautiful blog on how u describe how Christ is the center of both the sermons but he is used in very different views, especially your point on Borghardt uses Christ very much and when he uses Christ, he uses him as the subject of all the verbs. Bravo ;)

  2. I like how you explained each of the themes a little and that you were being pretty specific in you article. Yeah!

  3. Jenna,
    This blog post is definitely A+ work. I agree with both your themes and main points of the sermon. This was a good read!
    Have a nice day.
